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Students in Taos

Meet April Lim, a graduate student at Oklahoma State University, who attended a two week academic credit class in Taos in July.


Headshot of April Lim, OSU graduate student

“My time in Taos, NM for Dr. Michael Amory’s ENGL 6270: Narratives of Identity: Individual, Community, and Place at the Doel Reed Center was extremely beneficial to my academic studies. The course syllabus centered around voices local to the New Mexico region and how region-specific artists allowed for the Southwest to influence their works. The activities and field trips in and around Taos that I experienced during this class helped to refocus my idea of narrative and storytelling and how they assist in individuals shaping their identity, along with the collective identity of a culture. My time in Taos was amazing and allowed me to encounter a new cultural climate and appreciate the art specific to the New Mexican landscape. I will be taking back multiple aspects of this class to help shape my poetry writing, which explores the identity of both myself as an individual and in relation to others. I am extremely grateful to the Doel Reed Center in Taos for this experience.”


Click here for information about upcoming Academic Credit Classes. 

Group photo of students in Taos