The Doel Reed Society
The Doel Reed Society ensures that Oklahoma State University’s Doel Reed Center in Taos continues to provide innovative opportunities for students, scholars, artists, faculty, alumni and friends of Oklahoma State University. We extend our most heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the following donors:
Collector’s Circle: $5,000 and above
- Jim and Linda Burke
- Dave and Deb Engle
- Nancy and Phil Hammond
- Bob Parks
- Ted Schupbach
- Ann and David Sutherland
Artist’s Circle: $2,500- 4,999
- Dale Fitz and Chai Kuah
- Anne and Mike Greenwood
- Joy Hadwiger
- Marta and Lee J Henderson
- Martha Johnston
Designer’s Circle: $1,000-2,499
- Robin Byford
- Dee Cromeens and Matt Bedee
- Ginny and Don Harban
- Diane Harris
- Ann and Burns Hargis
- Susan and AJ Jacques
- Nigel Jones
- Kristi and Steve Kelle
- Pam and Mac Rosser
- Scott Salmon
- Sherry and Jay Schallner
- Anne and Charlie Scott
- JJ Stevak
- Kevin Stump
- Kathy and John Yeaman
- Jeanette and Kent Young
Endowed Funds:
The following Endowed Funds have been established to benefit the Doel Reed Center in Taos
- Doel Reed Center for the Arts Property Fund
- Estelle A. Hammond Endowed Scholarship
- Burns and Ann Hargis Endowed Professorships
- Smith and Nancy Holt Endowed Internship
- Dave & Louise Maher End Scholarship
- Franklin & Louise Nash Endowed Scholarship
- Smelser Vallion Endowed Scholarship
- Smelser Vallion Visiting Artist Endowment
Estate Gifts:
Estate gifts have been designated to the Doel Reed Center by the following generous donors
- Judi Baker
- Judy Blair-Cremer and Steven Cremer
- Hollye Goddard
- Nigel Jones
- Robert Parks
- Ted Schupbach
- JJ Stevak
- Jeanette and Kent Young