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Doel Reed Center

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Adult Leisure Learning

The summer Leisure Learning classes for alumni and friends are filling quickly. 

Enrollees have marked their calendars and are making arrangements to travel to the OSU Doel Reed Center in Taos, July 25-29, 2022. It should be a wonderful week of learning, fellowship and adventure. Though several of the classes are full, click here to check current availability. So many of the attendees register yearly and wouldn’t miss this annual gathering of OSU alumni and friends in beautiful Taos, New Mexico.


Fall in northern New Mexico, with it’s cooler evenings and changing colors, is a wonderful time to visit the area. You may want to register for one of our four classes scheduled for Sept. 22-24, 2022. Registration will open April 15, 2022 and close Aug. 15, 2022. The four Leisure Learning courses offered this fall for OSU alumni and friends are:


Fly Fishing: Beginning and Intermediate 

Pueblo Worlds: An Overview of Pueblo History and Culture

Taos Contemporary Art and Culture

Beginning Jewelry Making


Additional information about each course along with enrollment instructions will be available beginning April 15, 2022.