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OSU Doel Reed Center in Taos Hosts Scholar Development Workshop

All successful applicants who are awarded with OSU Institutional Nominations for the Truman, Goldwater, and Udall Scholarships receive an invitation to participate in the annual Burns and Ann Hargis Writers’ Workshop at the OSU Doel Reed Center in Taos, New Mexico. The tranquil, picturesque setting of the Doel Reed Center recently offered eight students an ideal location for the deep reflection and careful articulation demanded by the competitive scholarship application process.


Thanks to funding provided by a generous donor, significant financial support is provided for each Nominee to participate in the workshop, which is held during the last week of students' winter break (early January). 


In this unique six-day travel program, students have the opportunity to craft the written components of the applications they began on campus while also allowing time to explore the unique culture of Taos. Whether they are developing a personal statement, research essay, or policy proposal, experienced writers and advisors guide students through all stages of the revision process. Dr. Keith Garbutt, Dean of the OSU Honors College; Dr. Carol Moder, Director of the Center; Jessica Sullins, Director of Scholar Development; and Latasha Tasci, Scholar Development Program Coordinator join forces with previous award winners to support the Institutional Nominees during this special program. In the spirit of the workshop format, students share with peers in a supportive, respectful environment.


Here are some quotes from our students:


"Working alongside some of OSU's top student leaders and our outstanding Scholar Development staff refined my writing abilities and broadened my perspective of public service. The Writers' Workshop provided a change of scenery that afforded the opportunity to realize new things about myself that I didn't know I needed. My time in Taos influenced the shape my application took in the final weeks before submission." Adrienne Blakey, 2020 Truman Scholar


"The Writers' Workshop, without question, helped solidify and strengthen my application for the Goldwater Scholarship. It was packed with structured writing time, yet managed to fit in trips to the scenic areas of Taos. I left the trip more confident in my writing, my research, and my future." Collin Thornton, 2021 Goldwater Scholar


"The Writers' Workshop was an amazing opportunity to fully delve into the process of writing an extensive national application, which has allowed me to apply these writing skills to other applications as well. I greatly appreciated having the opportunity to collaborate with other nominees of other disciplines...this has definitely been my favorite experience of 2020, and it has truly helped me figure out what research I plan to pursue." Ashley Gin, 2021 Goldwater Scholar