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Students in Taos

December 2022

OSU Students Thrive at the Doel Reed Center in Taos

OSU students in Taos


The Doel Reed Center in Taos provides OSU students with a once in a lifetime off-campus learning experience, similar to a travel abroad program, but in nearby New Mexico. Students learn about the history of local Native American and Spanish cultures and are introduced to the flourishing art community found in Taos. Most classes are specifically designed to integrate the art, culture and landscape elements of northern New Mexico into the course curriculum. Class offerings vary each year to include a variety of academic disciplines. Students selected to attend earn a full semester of credit hours condensed into two intense weeks of study. In addition to class lectures and projects, students visit historical sites, galleries and museums. Students also have the opportunity to savor many of the outdoor adventures found in beautiful northern New Mexico.


Most of the very deserving students who apply require scholarship assistance in order to attend. These scholarships are funded annually by generous donors who understand the importance of providing unique learning opportunities to our students. Won’t you consider supporting a student? You’ll be so glad you did and your scholarship recipient will be extremely grateful.


If you know a student who may be interested in learning more about upcoming Academic Credit Courses offerings, please refer them to the OSU Doel Reed Center website.  Course descriptions, enrollment and scholarship information for the May 2023 session will be announced shortly.

