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Summer Leisure Learning Classes Announced

Join us in Taos, New Mexico July 25-29, 2022

The OSU Doel Reed Center in Taos announces the dates and course offerings for the upcoming summer. The classes are open to everyone. 


Mark your calendar for these important dates.


July 25-29, 2022 Classes Begin and End

January 15, 2022 Enrollment Begins

March 15, 2022 Early Enrollment Discount Ends

June 15, 2022 Enrollment Ends


Class sizes are limited so plan to enroll as soon as enrollment opens. You’ll want to secure your seat early and take advantage of the Early Enrollment Discount. Whether you enjoy creating art hands-on, native American culture and history, recreating native american art, outdoor fishing adventures, art history, or culinary art, you’re sure to find the perfect class. 



Pueblo Worlds: An Overview of Pueblo Indian History and Culture

Instructor:  John Ware, PhD

John Ware headshotWhen sixteenth-century Spanish explorers first set foot in what is now the southwestern U.S. they encountered people who lived in multistoried apartment buildings of stone and adobe enclosing communal plazas. The Spanish referred to these people as Pueblos (Spanish for towns), presumably to distinguish them from the residentially-mobile band and tribal groups of the greater Southwest. Despite similarities in architecture and settlement pattern, the people the Spanish called Pueblos spoke at least seven mutually unintelligible languages from four different language families, so they were not a monolithic culture but several different people who shared cultural practices. The Pueblos have also shared more than a century of scrutiny by historians, anthropologist, and archaeologists attempting to sort out their convergent histories. It is likely that no other indigenous cultures in the world have been studied more intensively than the Pueblo peoples of the Southwest. Pueblo Worlds is a mini-course that will explore the prehistory, history, and contemporary lives and cultures of the Pueblo Indians of the northern Southwest. Through field trips and discussion, the class will explore the prehistory, history, and contemporary lives and cultures of the Pueblo Indians of northern New Mexico.  


The Pueblo Indians of North America Book Cover

Pueblo style buildings


Pueblo pottery
















Navajo Style Weaving

Instructor:  Charlotte Shroyer, PhD

Charlotte ShroyerThe Navajo, or Diné, are famous for their evolving and dynamic weaving techniques. Early Navajo weaving began with a focus on blankets, using basic designs and simple, earth-toned colors. 


Modern day Navajo weaving incorporates complex designs and patterns and a wide variety of colors, with an emphasis on rug making. In this workshop, you will learn the basics of Navajo style weaving using a tapestry loom. Materials necessary to weave a small “pillow” or design square will be provided.



Woman standing next to chair

Navajo style woven fabricNavajo style woven fabric















Fly Fishing

Instructor: Nick Streit, Taos Fly Shop

Fly fishing instructor Nick Streit holding a fishBeginners will learn about the skills and equipment needed  to become a fly fisherman — basics of the fly rod and reel, fly casting, pond and stream ecology, matching the hatch (identifying what fly to use when), knot tying, fish identification, ethics, rules and regulations and safety. Intermediates will have a review of skills. Both groups will  get the chance to put their skills to the test in local ponds, lakes or rivers.

Man holding fish over a net










New Mexico Cooking

Instructor: Carol Moder, PhD

Carol Moder headshotWhat makes the food of New Mexico distinctive? The blending of the traditional food of the Pueblos with the later influences of the Spanish. Learn about these historical influences on New Mexico food and cook contemporary New Mexico recipes. Hands-on cooking and experiences with New Mexico chefs. 

A group of people cooking









The Art of Aquatint

Instructor: Jennifer Lynch, MFA

Jennifer Lynch headshotLearn the intaglio printing processes that underlie the famed aquatints of Doel Reed. Demonstrations of traditional aquatint printing and hands-on work with contemporary, safer variations on the aquatint process. Students will work with copper plate drypoint, and etching, as well as contemporary aquatint processes.  

Etched copper plate for aquatint print

Etched copperplate with aquatint print made with plate











Doel Reed and his Contemporaries (1940s-1980s)

Instructor: Rebecca Brienen, PhD

Rebecca Brienen headshotThis class will address Reed’s New Mexican career, from his early involvement in the Taos artistic scene in the 1940s to the 1970s. Over this roughly 25 year period, Reed became an established member of the Taos artistic community locally, but continued to seek a national audience through his participation in juried exhibitions and invitationals around the country.  On site at the Doel Reed Center, we will learn about Reed’s artistic practice and observe the etching and aquatint process. The class will also include a discussion of Reed’s contemporaries, including Gene Kloss and Howard Cook, among many others. We will take trips as a group to local and regional museums and galleries to study works of art first hand.

Doel Reed aquatintDoel Reed