Advisory Committee Timeline
The first conversations regarding the Doel Reed property as an educational center begin, initiated by Kent and Jeanette Young, personal friends of the Reed family.
Martha returns to Stillwater for a high school reunion; OSU Foundation hosts exhibition of Doel Reed prints and Martha designed clothing, generating interest in the Doel Reed Center project; Malinda Berry Fisher, then President and CEO of the OSU Foundation, begins building a group of supporters.
Burns Hargis becomes president of OSU; Burns and Ann begin promoting the arts at OSU; Malinda Fisher, Sallie McCorkle, chair of the Art Department, Dr. Peter Sherwood, Dean of Arts and Sciences, and others began conversations about progress needed to make the Center a reality; first credit classes were held in Taos, off-site, but students were able to meet Martha; Deb Engel became the DRCA liaison for the Committee; first Advisory Committee members as listed in the Occurrences newsletter were Malinda Berry Fisher, Ann Hargis, Smith Holt, Robert Parks, Mark and Lela Sullivan, Bill and Cat Thompson, Kent and Jeanette Young with James and Linda Burke joining soon after.
Martha’s gift of the property to OSU was finalized shortly before her passing; Committee members hosted gatherings in Oklahoma City, Dallas, Stillwater and New Mexico and invited supporters of the arts to promote the vision for the Center; oversight of the Center moved from the Art Department to the College of Arts and Sciences.
Sallie McCorkle, now the Center Director, and Dr. Sherwood provided updates on the renovation and fundraising progress to the Committee; OSU began renovations at the site under the direction of Nigel Jones from the OSU Architects office working with architects in New Mexico; later in 2011, Ed Walkiewicz was named Center Director,
The Smelser- Vallion Visiting Artist program is implemented and shortly after, the James and Linda Burke Visiting Scholar program; a dedication of the Center was held with the primary residence having been completed; first Leisure Learning classes were held.
The Advisory Committee membership was broadened; the Advisory Committee focused on renovations, summer Credit Classes and the Leisure Learning classes; a dedication event was held at the Center for the completion of the studio restoration and Maggie’s garden.
The Center was officially dedicated on September 25; Ed Walkiewicz retired as director, Carol Moder was named Center Director; oversight for the Center moved to the Provost’s Office with the OSU Museum of Art managing the Center facilities; a grant was received and work began on a Doel Reed Exhibition and catalog; the first Hargis Fellows were in residence at the Center; four summer classes were held for the first time.
The Center celebrates 10 years since the project’s inception;
The Advisory Committee voted to become a working committee with more structure; Chair and Vice Chair positions were established as well as several working committees (Leisure Learning, Publicity, Historical, Property); Hollye Goddard became the first volunteer Chair and Nigel Jones, the Vice Chair; general rules of operation were added as the Committee expanded its membership with four new members; Fall Leisure Learning classes were added; the first Writers Workshop were held at the Center.
The summer Leisure Learning classes added a philanthropic project to support a Taos community service, Little Libraries; Joy Hadwidger became Chair and guided the Advisory Committee through the COVID-19 pandemic transitioning to virtual/hybrid meeting formats; Committee initiatives were focused on preserving the art and legacy of Doel Reed; the first Leisure Learning lectures were presented in virtual format in lieu of summer 2020 classes; an Advisory Committee task force was appointed to create a plan for the future of the Doel Reed Center; the Doel Reed Exhibition and catalog project made significant progress; the newsletter for the Doel Reed Center moved to a monthly email format with involvement of an intern in OSU Brand Management and contributions from the Advisory Committee’s Marketing and Outreach committee members; the Doel Reed Exhibition opened at the OSU Museum of Art, the ramada and garden at the Center were completed.
OSU President, Burns Hargis retires; Deb Engle transitions out of her role as OSU Foundation liaison and Jayme Ferrell becomes the new liaison; Business Plan outlining future initiatives for the Center was completed by the task force and presented to the Advisory Committee for approval in January 2022 by Anne Scott, task force chair and now Advisory Committee Chair; Bylaws and Operating Guidelines for Committees were also approved; the Center in Taos begins upgrades and significant repairs; partnership with the Taos Integrated School for the Arts (TISA) is established with workshops being held for students at the Center and the adoption of TISA as the philanthropy for summer Leisure Learning classes.