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Doel Reed Center

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Section 2 - Role of the Advisory Committee


Section 2 highlights the history and purpose of the Advisory Committee, the general responsibilities of Committee members and more.

Doel Reed Center in Taos



The Doel Reed Advisory Committee is pleased to welcome you as new members! We believe you will enjoy the company of fellow members as we work together to advance the Doel Reed Center in Taos and support the advantages the Center experience provides to OSU students, faculty, alumni and friends.  

History of the Committee

The Advisory Committee and its role have evolved over time. A timeline providing an overview of this development can be viewed here.

Purpose statement of the Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee has its own purpose statement which differs from the Vision and Mission of the Center, but reflects the Committee’s dedication to carry out the Vision and Mission.  


"OSU’s Doel Reed Center Advisory Committee will provide counsel and support to the Center, the Center Director and the University. To the extent possible, the Advisory Committee will ensure the accomplishment of the Doel Reed Center’s mission and Martha Reed’s wish for the property’s use as  an educational facility that recognizes her father’s distinguished art career."

General Responsibilites of Members and Committees

In January 2022, bylaws and operating guidelines for committees were adopted by the Advisory Committee to more clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the Advisory Committee. The current standing committees are: Historical, Hospitality, Leisure Learning, Marketing and Outreach, Nominating, Property Management, Visiting Artist, Visiting Scholar.  


Please familiarize yourself with the bylaws and committee operating guidelines and be prepared to choose which committee(s) suit your skills and interests. These documents should answer most questions about how the Advisory Committee conducts business and the roles and responsibilities of committee members, but if you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask the center director, Advisory Committee officers, or OSU Foundation liaisons.  


The current membership roster, committee assignments and officers can be found here.

Business Plan

In Spring 2021 the Advisory Committee undertook the process of envisioning the future of the Doel Reed Center by creating a plan of priority initiatives. A task force was appointed and met throughout the summer. In January 2022, after review by the center director and the OSU Associate Provost, a business plan was adopted, listing priorities for the upcoming year. The business plan will be updated at each January meeting, removing completed items and tasks, and adding priorities for the upcoming year. Please take the time to review the current version of the business plan.