My experience as a student in Taos
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
My time at the Doel Reed Center in Taos, New Mexico was nothing short of amazing.
I was able to attend in the summer of 2019 with a graduate creative writing class
from OSU. Each day we met at the center to host enriching discussions and to share
our work, inspired by the surrounding landscape. We traveled around Taos, too, to
best immerse ourself in the culture, history, and arts. The center itself sits a bit
off the main road that goes through town. The views are stunning. Perhaps the most
beautiful component about staying in Taos for that summer class was the Sangre De
Cristo Mountains. They seem to be peeking above all the terrain, a watchful eye.
I recommend the Doel Reed Center, 10/10, for any student looking to take an easy drive
out west from Oklahoma to the Land of Enchantment. I would go again if I could. The
staff at Doel Reed and the hotel where we stayed, The Sagebrush Inn & Suites, were
all so welcoming and we were offered a delicious free daily breakfast. In the afternoons,
my classmates and I enjoyed relaxing with a margarita at the hotel’s lounge, reading
and writing, and preparing for a full day ahead in our academic endeavors at the Doel
Reed Center. I cannot wait to travel back to New Mexico, soon. I also came home with
a gorgeous turquoise ring I found at a thrift store. I wear it every day and it reminds
me of my time in Taos.